YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach

Long Blonde Wig


Stuthan: Fiber a tha an aghaidh teas
Seòrsa Wig: Wig Cosplay
Role: Arknights
Wig Cap:Rose Cap(Adjustable)

An Solaraiche Wigs Synthetic earbsach agad ann an Sìona


1-Sgoinneil snàithleach synthetigeach, a sheasas 150 ℃ (300 ℉).
2-Craiceann càirdeil & iongantach.
3-Tha e a ‘coimhead gu math nàdarra.
4-Tha e a’ faireachdainn bog agus rèidh mar fhìor fhalt daonna.
5-Gun fhàileadh, Gun tangle, Gun deàrrsadh.


1 – Gabhar ri òrdugh sampall.
Faodar 2-Wigs a ghnàthachadh.
3- Suaicheantas an-asgaidh no dealbhadh lable.
4-1500 stoidhle gruaige
5-Stoc mòr
6-Conaltradh èifeachdach agus taic càirdeil.
Solaraiche fuilt synthetigeach 7-earbsach & earbsach

Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, na bi leisg fios a chuir thugainn:

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach

YOUR STYLE, Wholesale Arknights Cosplay Wigs Synthetic Long Wigs Blonde With Bangs Party Wig Halloween Costume Wigs Anime-An stoidhle agad, leudachadh fuilt synthetigeach wigs synthetigeach